The Dry January is a well-known month, the occasion to stop drinking alcohol during the whole month. But do you know Plastic Free July? Just as alcohol is to drink in moderation, plastic consumption must also be reduced for the health of our Earth and our Ocean.
Every second, 256kg of plastic end up in the Ocean
And this number is only increasing… Plastic production and consumption are increasing from year to year. Today, more than 400 million tons of plastic are produced to meet the increasing demand. Only 10% of the overall production is recycled and 8 million tones end up in the ocean each year. The only real solution to tackle this pollution: acting at its source.
We are together in this fight
During the whole month of July, we will give you advices, little-known or unknown information, alternatives to limit your plastic consumption and inspiring ideas.
Every Monday on the media NOWU, meet with Diane, expert on plastic pollution at Surfrider, to talk about all the problems linked to plastic.
To help you change your habits around plastic, you will find infographics, guides and video on the different networks of Surfrider.
Acting at all levels: on the decision makers and the industries
Every action count, when you are refusing single use plastic, or when a major victory for the Ocean is celebrated. But we must act on all the fronts, alongside the national and Europeans decision-makers and the industries. Surfrider continues its lobbying work for the industry and the institutions to be committed to more sober practices and less plastic.
This month of July will also be the occasion to talk about this work in the shadow for more concrete measures and actions to be taken to fight plastic pollution.
As you surely understood, on this special month we will talk a lot about plastic, for you to understand how to reduce your consumption.
???? Cover picture @riblanc