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Ocean Initiatives

Ocean Initiatives are clean-up actions on beaches, lakes, rivers and sea beds all over the world. These litter collections are organized by volunteers with the support of Surfrider Foundation Europe.

Ocean Initiatives’ purpose

Encouraging people to take action

Surfrider Foundation Europe supports volunteers to organize clean-up operations completely autonomously, with a range of tools and a somewhat educational approach.

Generating public awareness

Joining one of the clean-ups organized as part of Ocean Initiatives, participants become aware of the impact of waste-related pollution thanks to an action on the field.

Aiming at the heart of the problem

When volunteers inform Surfrider Foundation Europe about the waste picked up during their clean-up, they are contributing to research into pollution and helping to influence legislation.


participants in 2019


countries commited


wasted collection in2019

Reasons to participate

To protect the environment

An Ocean Initiative is a practical action to protect the environment while enjoying some time with your family, friends or new acquaintances.

To spread the message

Taking part in an Ocean Initiative helps to make people aware of the marine litter issue, using the educational tools provided by Surfrider.

To be part of the solution

Ocean Initiatives allow Surfrider to influence laws and reduce waste at source, through volunteer participation and information gathered on waste.

Collect more than waste, collect data

The field data collected by volunteers during Ocean Initiatives provides Surfrider Europe with crucial information about plastic pollution to stop the problem at its source. Collection data is used as valuable evidence to urge public decision makers to adopt measures that reduce plastic production and prevent it from reaching the Ocean. Alone or in a small group, join Surfrider Europe’s citizen science network and collect more than waste, help collect data using one of the four new tools introduced for the 2020 season.

4 ways to participate in citizen science with Ocean Initiatives

Simplified report form

First level of engagement, it provides information on the location of the operation and focuses on quantifying the star item of this edition – the cigarette butt.

Download the simplified report form

Intermediate report form

This intermediate protocol makes it possible to obtain information on the chosen site and to monitor waste pollution quantifying 35 items (in particular those covered by the European Single-Use Plastics Directive).

Download the intermediate report form

Marine Debris Tracker

This mobile application allows you to collect data on 35 items anywhere you are, during a walk along the coast, the lakeside, riverside or during an official waste collection event.

Download on AppStore

Download on Google Play 

Marine Litter Watch

Designed by the European Environment Agency, this protocol is the most engaging. It allows complete feedback on the condition of marine litter thanks to the protocol used by European scientists. It permits the quantification of more than 150 items.

Download on AppStore

Download on Google Play